Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Goals for this semester!!

1. Data analyized and group by middle of April and first draft finished by end of May

2. Set up POS committee meeting for end of this semester (??)

3. Discuss POS presentation with all professors before hand

4. 10 subjects for new experiment finished! N=5 currently

5. Up to date on articles

6. Find apartment in Ankeny

7. Read 2 lesiure books

8. Lose weight gained during winter by working out again

9. Professor chose for Preparing Future faculty

10. Resume sent to 10 potential professors for postdocs. N=2

Friday, January 20, 2006

Attempting to make blogging part of my daily routine...Likelihood: 5 on scale 1-10...O'well...It's an effort anyways.

Today has been relatively productive in that I didn't go home for lunch to make up for coming in at 10 (supposed to be here at 9 but seeing as that rule isn't enforced...It's unlikely I make it too many times a week). I've already finished all work I HAVE to do today so now filling my next 2 hours with equally relevant work is quite unlikely. For some reason getting into a routine has always been quite difficult for me...I like sponaneity but then as you've seen today, watching the second movie last night and staying up till almost 2 rendered me late for work with lack of enthusiasm. Blah.

But! It is Friday and that is surely something to be excited about...except P has to work all weekend. The mismatched schedule thing is definitely not optimal, but at least I get to sleep in and relax. I have decided to take up my favorite hobby of leisure reading again...seems that since I've become serious with P I have not made too much time for these such activities. Here is the list of books that are on my list to finish/read.
Chronicles of Narnia (at least the two books covered in the movie so I can finally go see it)
Notes from the Underground
The man who mistook his wife for a hat

Broca's Brain
Okay! Ready!
The unbearable lightness of being